Hemp Farming

 Hemp farming has become very popular. Several farmers are starting to take on the art of hemp farming. Hemp is different than things farmers are using too. It's not a very complex plant to grow and harvest, its just different, so it may take a farmer a little while to perfect his hemp operation. 

Hemp is part of the cannabis gene but it is not marijuana. Hemp contains less than 0.3% of THC. Hemp also contains high amounts of CBD and CBG, which are utilized very well. Hemp grows well in the same kind of places that vineyards and fruit excel in. Hemp also requires soil that doesn't hold a lot of water and soil that is extremely fertile. Colorado, new york, and Oregon shows the best conditions for growing hemp. Although there are also several other places that hemp will grow and be successful in. 

Hemp is used for several different things. Hemp is grown specifically for industrial reasons.  One main item hemp is used for is fabric. That fabric can then make things like backpacks, shirts, blankets, pants, etc. Hemp is known to be used for making paper and rope too. Hemp has been used to make paper for over 2,000 years and counting. 

Hemp oil has been a so-called fad for a while now. Hemp oil is legal in all 50 states now. Hemp oil is only illegal if it contains more than 0.3% THC. If it contains more THC than that it is no longer hemp oil. Hemp oil a good moisturizer for the skin. It helps with oily skin/acne and helps prevent dry skin. Also, it said to help prevent some diseases but there is no medical proof behind this. 

Farmers have been adding to hemp to there operation. If they have the correct soil then why wouldn't they? Especially since it has pros to people's health and helps extremely with industrial products.

Image result for hemp farming 


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